Textkunst von Benjamin

Benjamin's Grabrede [Original in englischer Sprache]

Dear family and friends,

Thank you for being here with me.
Thank you for being with me throughout my life. Thank you for being with me now.

Yes, now.
My body might not be able to be amongst you. But I am.

I am with you in your memories
I am with you when you feel alone
I am with you when you love and rejoice!

Now, I have reunited with the physically less tangible parts of this universe:
With the amazing energy that flows through all beings
With the wind, that blows through the trees
With a beautiful song, image or moment, that touches us
With the deeper wisdom we feel, when we listen to our hearts
With the warm feeling of love at the core of us all

Thank you so much for your support in the last months!
It has carried me beautifully!
Please don’t think for one second that your prayers,
your thoughts or actions did not lead to anything!
I assure you that they did!

I have not won the battle against cancer, but because of your prayers, because of your thoughts, because of your actions, the months fighting cancer were as much, if not even more uplifting as other times of my life.

I believe that the world works in cycles, nothing lasts in it’s form.
There is a time to be born and a time to die, both are equally a part of life.
But in the center of this, there is living!
Oh I love living! And I encourage you all to spread your wings as wide as you can and live! Listen to your heart. It knows the path.

Trust yourself. Trust yourself to pursue your dreams. Trust yourself to be who deep within your heart you already know, you truly are, the place you can grow to.
It is because our days are limited, that we can appreciate our moments even more.

Allow me to borrow from an update I wrote recently:
I would like to ask you something: Please don’t drop deep into sadness because of me. I have not either. Instead please think of the joy we had together. The wonder of life that we experienced together. The love that we shared. Take yourself and consequently me, to the most beautiful moments we had together. And let that moment shine in your heart. All that positivity remains as an eternal creation between us and the energy of the universe. If you really want to do something for me, then share that joy, share that wonder, share that love. Share it with others. Share it with the world. And most importantly, share it with yourself.

Foto: Benjamin's Grabstein mit seinen Namen in Kreisform und einem blätterreichen Ast eines Baumes darauf.
Benjamin's Grabstein

I have always believed in the innate goodness of people. I am so happy that the last months so much more than just verified my believe. The goodness I was able to receive comes from deep within you. I see your heart shine. I see your soul shine. I see you. And it is beautiful!

I thank God for life,
and I thank you for making it a great one! I will always love you.
Now, let us celebrate life together,

Yours, Benjamin
